Ukuran kurang lebih 10 x 20
Terbuat dari botol plastik
Dilapisi dengan adonan cat dan semen.
Ornamen custom
Untuk pemesanan grosir dapat request warna dan ornamen.
Kegunaan: Dapat digunakan sebagai wadah bunga (vas), peralatan dapur seperti sendok kayu, dll serta wadah lainnya.
Harga grosir/reseller: Rp. 48.000
Harga tergantung pada bahan, ukuran dan kerumitan
Retail Price: USD 6
Size is approximately 10 x 20
Made from plastic bottles
Coated with a mixture of paint and cement.
Custom ornament
For wholesale orders, you can request colors and ornaments.
Uses: Can be used as flower containers (vases), kitchen utensils such as wooden spoons, etc. as well as other containers.
Wholesale/reseller price: USD 5
Prices depend on material, size and complexity